Hochalpine Wurmaulumrundung - ZKG - AVS Vintl
Hochalpine Wurmaulumrundung 25.4.2010

Place: Fane-Alm - Vals/Mühlbach (Südtirol)

The race will take place in high altidude area.To participate, you have to be in a very good shape,you need good endurance and experience in off slop skiing.
Only material used for alpine ski touring can be used (minimum length of ski 1.5 m)
Telemarkskier,Crosscountryskis and Firnglider are not allowed!
Mass-Start at 8:00 a.m.
Final closing “FANE ALM” at 12.00 a.m.
Total track length: approx. 12 KM Differenz in elevation: uphill 1550 m – downhill 1550 m – these could be depending of the situation also very difficult.
Routing: uphill to “Steinkarscharte” (2676m) – downhill to “Weitenberg” – uphill “Joch in der Enge”(2739m) – downhill “Stilonrinne” – Finish “Fane Alm / Vals” (Südtirol)
There are two stations where you get served food and drinks.
Sealskins can only be changed without external help.
A switched on avalanche transeiver on the operating frequency 457 kHz and helmet must be worn
Attention: due to safety reasons we reduced the time limit to 4 hours! - Deadline Steinkarscharte 1 houer + 45 minutes.

Organizer: decathlon group Vintl & AVS Vintl
Information at Raimund Seebacher Mobil (+39) 348 8512 982

Booking: Fax +39 0472 868567 or E-mail: r.seebacher@rieper.com
or ONLINE E-mail